Sierra Hill: Character Flaws ~Cover Reveal - InBookEden

2017. október 3., kedd

Sierra Hill: Character Flaws ~Cover Reveal

Character Flaws
 Sierra Hill

Release Date: October 17th, 2017

Genre: Contemporary Romantic Comedy (standalone)
Cover Design: QDesigns


They say you never get a second chance at a first impression. 
That is, unless you’re my gorgeous temporary neighbor.
My first impression of Theo Crawford was anything but wonderful. 
He was discourteous, anti-social, and a drunken mess.
My second impression wasn’t much better when he inconsiderately woke me on a Sunday morning.
But by my third impression, my views toward Theo began to soften. 
Maybe he isn’t as bad as he seems.
And now? 
Well, let’s just say my defective heart doesn’t care that he’s gay, because I’ve fallen for him.


I’m not gay. 
Where’d she get that impression?

Sierra Hill wrote Physical Touch, her first full-length romance, after a corporate acquisition provided her some time during a stint of unemployment. She has always been an aspiring writer, and feels incredibly blessed to be living her dream.

When not working part-time or writing her hot, steamy novels, Sierra loves attending live concerts, and is a huge alternative music enthusiast. She and her husband even travel to various cities across North America whenever their favorite band, Pearl Jam, is on tour.

Sierra freely admits to being addicted to reading, all things chocolate, and too much coffee. 
Sierra resides in the Seattle area with her husband of twenty years and her rescued (and certifiably crazy), German Shepherd dog.

She is currently busy working on her next book. 

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