Title: Flirt
Series: Chasing Hope Series
Author: Lavinia Leigh
Genre: Teen Romance
Release Date: August 1, 2017
Lavinia Leigh has been in love with stories her whole life. As a child, she used to read well past her bedtime with her foot on the light switch, primed to turn it off quickly at the slightest hint of being caught. As an adult, she has carried that love of stories with her until the day she started to write herself.
Outside of writing, she is a serial volunteer, and loves being involved in her community, from helping to build a giant waterslide down the middle of her town’s main street, to running a day camp, and working on a committee that honors volunteerism. She has also won a cooking show on Food Network.
Lavinia Leigh has a super supportive family who lets her go ahead with whatever hair-brained idea she comes up with and helps her along the way.
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