Becca Alexandra: The Last Queen ~Release Tour - InBookEden

2017. szeptember 15., péntek

Becca Alexandra: The Last Queen ~Release Tour

Title: The Last Queen
Series: Fairytale Villains Collection #1
Author: Becca Alexandra
Genre: Fairytale Retelling
Release Date: September 15, 2017

Elise was just a teenage girl with one dream; to become a fashion designer in her hometown in Wonderland. However, she's been lined up as one of the ladies to potentially marry the soon to be King. Things take a strange turn as she finds herself amongst some of the craziest minds in Wonderland, all fighting to get to the top. Elise is trapped in a world where she's a puppet of the monarchy and her dream to become a designer has disappeared along with her family. Find out how Elise became the most feared Queen in all the lands in The Last Queen!
Becca Alexandra is the author of the award-winning fairy tale series, Haunting Fairytales, and of the upcoming series, Fairytale Villains Collection. 

The Last Queen is book one in the standalone series and is out on September 15th. Check out the Haunting Fairytales Series here:  Book 1: Audio: Book 2: Book 3: Book 4 is out November 30th

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