Sale Blitz: Tainted By Love
by Gillian Jones
Genre: Contemporary Romance
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My name is Hendrix Hills.
When I was twenty-nine, I fell in love with a girl.
We loved fast. We loved hard.
But our love was tainted.
My name is Trinity Adams.
When I was twenty-seven, I fell in love with a boy.
We loved fast. We loved hard.
It's too bad my blood was tainted.
Not your traditional HEA. May contain emotional triggers for some.
There will be things that you won't like and some you will, but I hope
that you have fun finding out!
mother, proud Canadian. Shoe addict, red wine connoisseur, lover of
laughter and the friendships that cause it. I'm a sucker for those epic
romances that steal my breath and leave me always wanting more.
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