Clandestine by Ava Harrison
No names.
No commitment.
That was our agreement.
But Spencer Lancaster was addictive.
And I was high.
High off his taste, starved for his kiss, and desperate for his touch.
So when he asked me to stay, to enjoy his company for more nights than I knew I should, I wasn’t in the right mind to say no.
Everything was perfect. A dream come true. But half a world away there were secrets.
All of the truths that could tear us apart.
Ismét egy hihetetlenül fantasztikus történet Avától! Imádom ezt a nőt, ahogy ír az nem mindennapi!
Végy egy szexi szépfiút adj hozzá egy okos és önbizalomhiányos modellt keverj hozzá egy csipetnyi vágyat és várd ki a végét!
Spancer Lanchester a hírhedt milliárdos playboy akit nem mellesleg hatalmas seggfejnek tartanak. Hogy miért? Mert azt akarja hogy ilyennek lássák. Ámde mivan ha a kemény külső nem minden?
Olivia a gyönyörű modell lány, megtanulja hogy nem mindig az első benyomás az igaz, illetve minden okkal történik. Ahol nem várjuk a szerelmet pont ott jelenik meg.
Ha egy őszinteséggel, nyers vággyal, szeretettel teli történetre vágysz, vedd magadhoz Clandestinet és csak akkor tedd le ha végeztél!
It is an incredible fantastic cock-and-bull story again by Ava! I adore this woman, she write quite out of the common. Take a sexy handsome boy, add a smart model who has lack of self- confidence and mix a smack of cupidity then wait for the end.
Spancer Lanchester is a flagrant millionaire playboy and people reckon him as an asshole. Why? He wants every body to see him like this. But the hard favour is facade. Maybe cold hand, warm heart? Olivia is a beautiful model girl who learns that the first impression isn't always dead true and every bullet has its billet. Where we don't wait for love, it makes the scene.
If you want a book wich is full of sincerity affection and craving desire, you have to put in hand this book and just put it down when you did it!
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