Lauren Helms: Level Me Up ~Release Blitz+Playlist+Excerpt - InBookEden

2017. június 7., szerda

Lauren Helms: Level Me Up ~Release Blitz+Playlist+Excerpt

Title: Level Me Up
Series: A Gamer Boy Novel
Author: Lauren Helms
Genre: NA Romance
Release Date: June 5, 2017

The last thing Morgan Lawson is looking for when attending Comic-Con is love. But even prior to exchanging first words, Morgan is drawn to Dex, a drop-dead sexy gamer boy who lives and breathes video games. Before she realizes it, Morgan finds herself caught up in all things Dex.
Dex Roberts knows the moment he sees Morgan, he wants more. He falls hard and fast, but isn’t surprised when his job as a professional video gamer takes its toll on their relationship.
Once Morgan decides what truly makes her happy, there’s no time to waste. But without any warning, life threatens to destroy what both Morgan and Dex want most... each other.

Why the heck do I feel like I’m about to do something utterly stupid, like that split second before you realize you’ve missed the step and are about to fall down the stairs?

“Hi,” he says in this perfectly male, deep voice. “How are you ladies today?” 

I distantly hear Ruby reply, “Well, we’re just fine. Thank you for asking.” 

And she nudges me as I realize that while he asked both of us that question, he is only looking at me, and I’m not moving or saying anything. Apparently, I'm a freaking mute. Why can't I form words? Get it together, Morgan!

"Hi," he says again, but to only me this time.

And just like that, I snap myself out of it, slap on a smile and reply, "Hi," as I reach out and offer my hand like it’s some formal introduction. Again, I ask myself, what is wrong with me?

With a smile that reaches his eyes, he grasps my hand in his as I say, "I'm Morgan, and I have no idea what a positive K/D is."

I hear Ruby stifle a laugh beside me. I'm never going to live this down. Somebody should just shoot me now. But to my surprise, Dex doesn't laugh at me. He is still smiling at me and says, “Hi Morgan, I'm Dex. And don't worry about it, this guy sitting next to me," he jerks his head to his right, "doesn’t know what a positive K/D is either, but at least you're honest." 

I quickly glance to his right and see a guy with short blond hair turn toward him glaring, but then turn toward us, smile and says, "He doesn't know what he's talking about."

I slide my eyes back to Dex and realize he is still holding my hand even though the handshake stopped a minute ago. I quickly drop my hand and smile as a big bouncer type guy comes up to us and says, "Sorry ladies, you’re holding up the line. Keep moving." 

Ruby apologizes, and I apologize to Dex because I'm still staring at him. But we move along, and now the gamer to Dex’s right, Simon "SezSimon" Palmer, is signing the shirt. Dex looks back at me as he finishes signing a poster and says, "it was nice meeting you, Morgan," with a warm smile. I can only manage a smile and nod as Ruby finishes getting the last signature. Then we finish and get out of the line.

We walk a little bit before Ruby stops, grabs my arm and doubles over with laughter.

Author Lauren Helms has been an avid reader from a young age. After starting a book review site, that launched her fully into the book world, she decided to take the plunge and write her first novel. Since she was working for a video game strategy guide publisher at the time, she decided to mix what she knew best, video games and romance. Jumping all in, she joined NaNoWriMo and a month later had a 50K word first draft. Lauren lives in Indianapolis, IN with her video game playing husband, two little girl book nerds, and a little boy who will hopefully be a gamer boy too some day!
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