Kylie Hillman
(Centrifuge Duet #2)
Publication date: April 11th 2017
Genres: Adult, Psychological Thriller
Has the devil doctor met his match?
Xander Barrett had it all.
Until it was stolen by the devil.
His life. His lover. His freedom.
A chance encounter secures his release.
But, it comes at a cost—a debt he must settle before he’s allowed to take his revenge.
Luckily, it’s a price he’s willing to pay.
Stripping a man of everything but his pride isn’t smart. It creates a monster that’s bigger and meaner than the original. Satan has spawned his match, and he’s ready to cause an exodus.
It’s amazing what almost two years in prison does to a man. It strips him of his values, his morals, his personal ethics—all those things that separate man from the animals. Sometimes, I’m sure it would also take his pride. Thankfully, mine is still intact. It managed to survive the indignities of prison by the skin of its teeth. Driven by the need to take back what’s mine, revenge that makes my blood thick and sticky as it makes its way around my vascular system, my pride is the only part of me that I recognise from my previous life.
And, I’m okay with that. It’ll keep me warm until I have Amber back at my side. I miss her tiny body curled into me, her thin, artist fingers running through my curls, moments before I push her on her back and drive my cock inside her welcoming body and those same fingers bite into my flesh as I bring her pleasure.
“Head in the fucking game,” I chide myself out loud as my dick grows hard. I’m forced to slow my stride to adjust my pants so they don’t strangle the expanding bulge. “All in good time. Patience is a virtue. It makes victory taste sweeter.”
Normally, I’d feel like a cockhead, walking around muttering to myself like an escaped mental patient. Except, when you can’t speak to anyone else in the world, except for the occasional conversation you’re allowed to hold with the bitch who’s pulling the strings, the sound of your own voice is comforting. A reminder that under all the hatred and vengeance, you’re still a living and breathing man. A fucked-up man, but a man all the same.
Just before I turn around the corner that will bring the house she now shares with the devil into view, I duck low and rifle through the contents of my backpack. Extricating my handgun and the handcuffs I plan on using to subdue Amber if she decides to open her brainwashed mouth and object to my plans, I push the handcuffs into the right pocket of my hoodie and grip the butt of the gun in my hand. Once I’m standing again, I make my way around the corner.
The monolith of a house—another symbol that telecasts Dr. Jaxon Ray’s need to overcompensate for whatever the fuck he’s missing in that deranged head of his—looms over me. I ignore the tiny spark of jealousy at all that he owns when it sparks in the pit of my gut and, calm and collected as can be, surge forward ready to face Satan himself headfirst.
Tonight is the beginning of the end for Dr. Ray.
And, the start of my renaissance.

Author Bio:
Kylie Hillman is the Australian author of the Internationally Bestselling Black Shamrocks MC series, Amazon #1 Bestselling NA/Sports novel, Brawl (Black Hearts MMA #1), and the recently completed Centrifuge Duet. She's currently working on the highly anticipated spin-offs to the Black Shamrocks MC series, writing the rest of the Black Hearts MMA series, and plotting her upcoming psychological thriller, Blood Oath.
She's also wife to a Harley-riding, boating and fishing, four-wheel driving, quintessential Aussie bloke and mum to two crazy, adorable, and eccentric kids. A Crohn's Disease sufferer and awareness campaigner, as well as an avid tea drinker, metal head, and math nerd, Kylie is known for lacing everything she says with sarcasm and inappropriate innuendo.
This sounds amazing, thanks for sharing the excerpt!