Laurelin Paige: Last Kiss ~Review+Giveaway - InBookEden

2017. március 31., péntek

Laurelin Paige: Last Kiss ~Review+Giveaway

Igen, és IGEN! Folytatódik az őrület, ami teljesen behálózta a szívemet! Az első rész után várható volt hogy rögtön el is kezdem a másodikat. Nem lehetett neki ellenállni.
Szóval fogadjátok sok-sok szeretettel Laurelin Paige
Last Kiss könyvének értékelését!
ÉÉÉS semmiképp ne felejtsétek el előrendelni, amit ITT megtehettek.

When Emily Wayborn goes home to visit her mom while on hiatus from her hit TV show, she receives a voicemail from her former best friend, Amber. Though the two were once notorious party girls, they haven't spoken in years. Although the message might sound benign to anyone else, Amber uses a safe word that Emily recognizes, a word they always used to get out of sticky situations during their wild days. And what's more chilling than the voicemail: it turns out that Amber has gone missing.

Now Emily is on the hunt to find out what happened to Amber, a hunt that leads her to sexy enigmatic billionaire Reeve Sallis, a hotelier known for his shady dealings and play boy reputation. Reeve might have had something to do with Amber's disappearance, but Emily can't help the way she reacts to him.

Time is running out and Emily must figure out who she can trust and if she can trust her feelings.

"– I want to destroy you. Want to fuck you to pieces. Want to shatter you. Want to break you."

Laurelin Paige a szavak mestere.
Teljesen tönkretett, megőrjített, egyszerre utáltam és imádtam.
A szívem csak vert és vert, egyre gyorsabban és gyorsabban mígnem már nem tudtam mit kezdeni ezzel az érzéssel, pedig higgyétek el még én is tiltakoztam ellene.
Hogy milyen érzéssel? Azzal hogy totálisan tehetetlen vagy. Azzal hogy az érzelmeid teljes mértékben átveszik az irányítást! És azzal hogy kész vége van elvesztél a könyv szereplőivel együtt. Ezzel az érzéssel vett meg magának, ezt nem lehet csak így elmondani, át kell élni minden nyomorúságos percét. Remélem valamilyen módon ti is átélitek teljes kétségbeesésemet.

"I hated him. Hated every terrible wonderful emotion he inspired within me. Hated how completely and perfectly he mastered me. Hated how he could be absolutely brutal and yet still required my consent. Hated how much I could never stop loving him."

Becsaptak, megkínoztak, mégis élveztem minden egyes percét.
Amber vagy Emily, Emily vagy Amber?! De nem az a legnagyobb kérdés hogy kit választ, hanem hogy kinek a fejében merült fel ez a kérdés. Mert amíg nem bízol magadban, hogy is várhatnád el hogy mások bízzanak benned és bátorítsanak?

"This doesn’t change anything, Emily. You still belong to me."

Versenyt futottam az idővel és mégis majdnem ő győzött. Hogy kiről is beszélek? Legmerészebb álmaidban sem gondolnád.

"– I want to destroy you. Want to fuck you to pieces. Want to shatter you. Want to break you."

Laurelin Paige is a master of words.
What happened? The story was devastated and completely wrecked me. I hate and love this at the same time. It's the best thing that ever happened to me.
My heart was beated faster and faster. I don't know what I do this feeling in turn I was protested this.
What does it feel like I say? About you're neverless, you're feelings are directed you. And the end you're lost together the books characters. This feeling was bought me. I can not tell this feeling you're live thought. I hope you're experienced my despair.

"I hated him. Hated every terrible wonderful emotion he inspired within me. Hated how completely and perfectly he mastered me. Hated how he could be absolutely brutal and yet still required my consent. Hated how much I could never stop loving him."

You're cheated, tormented, but I enjoyed every single minute.
Amber or Emily, Emily or Amber? But the question is not who is he choose, the question is who ask? Because she doesn't trust herself others will not trust her.

"This doesn’t change anything, Emily. You still belong to me."

I'm race against the time and almost she win. Who am I talking about? You don't think your most daring dreams.

"You don't deserve it but I'm going to let you come so that you'll remember that I love you."
"- Want to break you,– he repeated, his words more of a rumble than actual speech.
-You do,– I said, peering up under heavy lids, my voice a mere rasp.
-You do break me. Every time."

“A kiss that couldn’t fade.  
A kiss that could go on forever.  
A kiss that could last.  
Instead of what it really was—a last kiss.”

Képtalálat a következőre: „first touch laurelin paige”

 First Touch or Last Kiss

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