Jay Mclean: Lucas ~ARC Review+Teasers - InBookEden

2016. november 2., szerda

Jay Mclean: Lucas ~ARC Review+Teasers


Blog Tour & Review

Title: Lucas – A Preston Brothers Novel

Author: Jay McLean

Release Day: November 1, 2016





In a sprint, every millisecond counts.
When you're waiting for love, those milliseconds can feel like eons.
High school senior Lucas Preston has it all: star of the track team, a scholarship waiting for him, an apartment to himself and a revolving door of girlfriends. He also has an older sister, five younger brothers and a father who relies on him to make sure those brothers don't kill each other.
His saving grace? Lois "Laney" Sanders, a girl he started to fall in like with when he was just eleven.
A girl who became his best friend, his confidant, his courage.
It took only sixteen clicks and eight seconds for Lucas to realize that his like for Laney had turned into love.
Eight life-changing seconds.
It's also the exact length of time it took to lose her.



My Review

Before I read Lucas, I read series of More Than. This books is the firsts I'm reading Jay McLean, but I don't regret. I loved all it. This books skeezed my heart then slowly they have been spliced together the pieces. I'm not as well Lucas. Most impressed with the recollections, so cute and poignant at the same time they were.
Laney his best friend. But What if you're feeling more for her then mere friendship? It was lot of moments that made me smile, and that made me cry even more.
Lucas is not perfect, just like in real life no one. But yet he keeps the family together, and he is make a mistake.
I recommend everyone this story. I hope you guys for the heart to grow Lois Lane and Clark Kent's story than I do, and you will feel it's not enough.


Lucas olvasása előtt fejeztem be a More Than sorozatot, ezek voltak az első könyvet melyeket Jay McLeantől olvastam. Imádtam mindegyiket. Kifacsarták a szívemet, majd szépen lassan összeillesztették a darabjait. Nos Lucassal sem vagyok másként. Legjobban a visszaemlékezések tetszettek, annyira aranyosak, illetve szívbemarkolóak voltak.
Laney a legjobb barátja. De mivan akkor ha többet érzel mint csupán barátság? Rengeteg pillanat volt amely megmosolyogtatott, és még több mely megsiratott. Lucas nem tökéletes csakúgy mint a való életben senki. De mégis ő tartja össze a családját, és igen hibázik is. 
Mindenkinek ajánlom ezt a csodálatos történetet. Remélem nektek is annyira a szívetekhez nő Lois Lane és Clark Kent története, mint nekem, és azt érzitek majd hogy ennyi nem elég!





Jay McLean is an international best-selling author and full-time reader, writer of New Adult Romance, and most of all, procrastinator. When she's not doing any of those things, she can be found running after her two little boys, playing house and binge watching Netflix.
She writes what she loves to read, which are books that can make her laugh, make her hurt and make her feel.
Jay lives in the suburbs of Melbourne, Australia, in a forever half-done home where music is loud and laughter is louder.
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1 megjegyzés:

  1. Látom most a Kick Push-t olvasod. Na az a könyv zseniális volt ;-) én pedig ezt fogom majd előrevenni az olvasási sorban. :-)
