From the New York Times bestselling author of The Lie and The Pact comes a new romance that will test your limits and leave you breathless.
It's something that Ada Palomino has always known so well, having grown up in a house of horrors, surrounded by a family plagued by ghosts and demons and things that go bump in the night.
But after the sudden and tragic death of her mother two years ago, death has never felt so personal.
Or so close.
Now eighteen, Ada is trying to move on with her life and the last month of summer holds nothing but sunshine and promises with her first year at a Portland design school just around the bend.
That is until her increasingly violent and realistic dreams, dreams of other worlds, of portals and veils where her mother is tortured and souls bleed for mercy, start to blend into reality. Ada has to lean on her older sister, Perry, to try and make sense of it all but even then, she's never felt more alone.
Then there's Jay. Tall, handsome and deeply mysterious, Jay would be just another stranger, a familiar face on the bus, if it wasn't for the fact that Ada has met him before.
Every night.
In every single dream.
And the more that Ada is drawn to him in both worlds, the more she's in danger of losing everything.
Including her heart.
And her very soul.
A New York Times bestseller szerző a The Lie and The Pack után jön egy új szerelem mely próbára teszi a határaidat, elállítja a lélegzetedet is.
Halál. Ez valami olyasmi amit Ada Palomino mindig is ismert miután a rémségek házában nőtt fel.
Két évvel korábban anyja tragikus és hirtelen halála után még soha nem érezte a halált ilyen személyesnek. Vagy ennyire közelinek. Most tizennyolc éves. Ada próbál továbblépni, a napfény az életében egy Portlandi desing iskola. De egyre több erőszakos és valóságos álom gyötri, álmok másik világról, portálról ahol az anyját megkínozzák és lelkét gyötrik kegyelemért, hirtelen egybe olvad a valósággal. Ada a nővérére Perryre támaszkodik, aki igyekszik megérteni a történteket, de ettől függetlenül a lány mégis egyedül érzi magát. Aztán ott van Jay. Magas, jóképű és titokzatos, csak egy idegen lenne ha Ada nem találkozott volna vele. Minden éjjel. Minden egyes álmában. Ada minél jobban ráfókuszál mindegyik világban, mindent elveszít. Beleértve a szívét, és lelkét.
Then, out of nowhere:
“You looked beautiful tonight, by the
Oh jeez. Be still my fucking heart.
I try and swallow, his words, the
sincerity in his voice rocking my world off-balance. “Which part?
When the power went out or when Jacob went upstairs to fight a
demon?” I joke. But I joke because I’m feeling this a little too
“All of it. You know why I call you
Princess?” he asks, his tone graver than before, like he’s
letting me in on a very deep secret.
“Because I’m a spoiled brat?”
“Because you’re beautiful.”
Well that shut me up. The sentence
hangs in the air, larger than life.
He clears his throat and goes on and I
have to fight against the urge to roll over and face him. “You have
this way about you. You don’t see it. But I do. Like you’re born
royalty. The way you hold yourself. Your walk. The face of an angel.”
Butterflies take flight in my gut,
spreading through my veins until my whole body feels like its
floating. “Why are you being so nice to me? Am I going to die?”
He laughs softly. “I don’t know why
I’m saying these things. Just seemed like the things to say. You’re
destined for something great, Ada, I know this. And it’s an honor
to help see you through it.”
His words cascade down on me like ashes
from a fire. Where they land, I’m ignited.
Jay thinks I’m beautiful.
And more than that, he believes in me.
Silence settles over us, stealing time.
I hear him breathing in the dark, steady as a heartbeat. He might
even be sleeping.
But I can’t even begin to shut down.
My entire body, from the top of my scalp, down to my toes, is buzzing
with heat and electricity. It’s like everything I felt for him
before, everything I try to ignore, is coming out in full force,
responding to his words, to his body so close to mine. I can feel the
warmth at my back, sinking into my spine, just from his presence
I’m starting to have feelings for
him. Not just in a he’s a giant hulking beast who’s here to
protect me from the underworld way. But real feelings, slowly
creeping into my heart, day by day.
The thought is terrifying in the same
way that demons are terrifying.
They both might take possession of me.
They both might ruin me.
And I’m not sure how much of me I’ll
have left.
Q: Is this YA?
A: No. The main character is 18 and there is sex, crude language and violence in the book. It is recommended for mature teens or 18 and up.
Q: Is there a cliffhanger?
A: Nope! There's also no cheating and no love triangle (think I've covered the bases there!)
Q: Do I need to read the series (Experiment in Terror) that Veiled is a spinoff of first?
A: Absolutely not. Veiled stands alone. You do not need to have read the EIT series beforehand as this follows a different character (Ada Palomino) and a different storyline. However for those who have read EIT, all your favorites are in the book!
Q: Is it horror? Your other series was and I don't handle scary very well...
A: No, it's paranormal romance (though I promise you there are no vampires or werewolves), and while there are creepy elements to the story, it wouldn't be classified as horror. If you can read KMM's Fever Series or ANY urban fantasy, you'll be fine.
Kérdések a könyvvel kapcsolatban
Q: Ez Young Adult műfajú könyv?
A: Nem. A főszereplő 18 éves szexjelenet, durva nyelvezet és erőszakkal is találkozunk a könyvben. 18 és annál idősebb korosztálynak ajánlott.
Q: Film sorozat is készül belőle?
A: Dehogy! Ez nem csalásról vagy szerelmi háromszögről szól.
Q: Fontos elolvasni a sorozatot ( Experiment in Terror) melyben a Veiled az első spinoff kötet.
A: Egyáltalán nem. Veiled egyedülálló kötet. Nem kell elolvasni a sorozat előző köteteit, mert egy új karakter kerül bemutatásra (Ada Palomino) és ez egy másik történet. Azonban akik olvasták az előzmények találkozhatnak az összes kedvencükkel.
Q: Horror? Egy másik sorozatban nem kezeltem jól az ijesztő elemeket...
A: Nem, paranormális romantika, ( bár ígérem nincsenek benne vámpírok vagy vérfarkasok) vannak a történetben hátborzongató elemek, nem minősíthető horrornak. Ha a KMM's Fever sorozatot el tudtad olvasni, vagy bármely urban fantasy-t akkor minden rendben lesz.
Karina Halle is a former travel writer and music journalist and The New York Times, Wall Street Journal and USA Today Bestselling author of The Pact, Racing the Sun, Sins & Needles and over 25 other wild and romantic reads. She lives on an island off the coast of British Columbia with her husband and her rescue pup, where she drinks a lot of wine, hikes a lot of trails and devours a lot of books. Halle is represented by the Waxman Leavell Agency and is both self-published and published by Simon & Schuster and Hachette in North America and in the UK.
Hit her up on Instagram at @authorHalle, on Twitter at @MetalBlonde and on Facebook.
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