A. E. Gamrat: New Bloom ~Release Blitz+ARC Review - InBookEden

2016. július 26., kedd

A. E. Gamrat: New Bloom ~Release Blitz+ARC Review

Title: New Bloom
Author: A.E. Gamrat
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: July 26, 2016

Graduating college and knowing how the next chapter of your life will play out is a big deal, right? How much more could someone ask for?

Gwen has always followed every rule her mother gave her. With her future planned for her, she never really had the time for fun or boys. Never really learned how to let loose, go with the flow.
What happens when all the plans she thought were laid out for her are pulled out from under her feet? Add in the mysterious man that pops into the flower shop stirring emotions she has never had before, and she is in for the ride of her sheltered life.
Growing up is hard, and Gwen’s in for a growing experience she never planned on.

My Review

Gwen's parents moved to the puppet. Her always had to act according to the parent will.
You expect after the girl graduated from college take over the family bussiness.
Until she meets Kane.
Are you questioning your feelings and do not understand why Gwen still living in the shadow of her parents.
I couldn't out at her mother, a slave woman.
I didn't understand why Gwen isn't a corner as long as the parents 'serve' her life pass by.
I felt sorry for her, bit I was mad at her too, and while rooting for her.
I hope to find out why her mother was so her.


Gwent mindig bábként mozgatták szülei, mindig az Å‘ akaratuk szerint kellett cselekednie. 
Elvárják a lánytól hogy miután befejte a főiskolát átvegye a családi vállalkozást.
Egészen addig amíg nem találkozik Kane-l.
Megkérdőjelezi az érzéseit, és nem érti Gwen miért él még mindig szülei árnyékában.
Ki nem álhattam az anyját, egy rabszolgahajcsár a nő.
Nem értettem Gwen miért nem áll a sarkára mert amíg a szüleit "szolgálja" elmegy mellette az élete.
Sajnáltam őt, de haragudtam is rá, közben pedig szurkoltam neki.
Illetve remélem hogy megtudom az anyja miért is volt ilyen vele.

Growing up writing was second nature that soon become a distant memory. Turning 30 (not saying when) that memory was going to be brought back to life. Lover of all books I try to grab my audience in and never let go. Hoping to get all these thoughts and ideas down for everyone to enjoy, even if it's a moment or a life time. This is the new chapter of my life story. Hope everyone enjoys!


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